We have another mixed bag this week. Some are just fantastic. But as usual, I try to mix things up and intentionally watch films that I don’t think I’m going to like all that much.
But in many cases, films are on this list simply because I got them on disc. (Full reviews are coming!)
I continue to marvel at just how much good work is around. I don’t think we appreciate how good we have it. At the same time, it makes watching films hard because we have so many choices.
The whole point of this site is not to help people sift through everything. That’s supposedly what film reviewers are for (they fail spectacularly). Rather, we want to help people appreciate films (or at least give them a try). And that’s hard because it isn’t always clear to us why someone would like a particular film. But we try.
September 2020 Films
- Angel Heart (1987)
- Bite (2015)
- Bloodsucking Bastards (2015)
- Class of 1984 (1982)
- Demon with the Atomic Brain (2017)
- Djinn (2013)
- Eaten Alive (1976)
- The Exotic Ones (1968)
- Five Guns West (1955)
- Grosse Pointe Blank (1997)
- Guns of the Apocalypse (2018)
- Isle of the Snake People (1968)
- It Came From Another World! (2007)
- Lady Terminator (1988)
- Ms .45 (1981)
- Night of Bloody Horror (1969)
- Prom Night (1980)
- Queen of Snakes (2019)
- Re-Animator (1985)
- The Taking of Deborah Logan (2014)
- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)
- Vampires (1998)
Angel Heart
This is one of my all-time favorite films. I don’t have a lot to say here. You should just read my analysis.
I’ve been spending more time over at SHOUT! Factory TV these days. One of the little delights I found over there was this wonderfully gooy film about a young woman who is bitten by something and then transforms. These filmmakers know their Cronenberg and do him one better.
Bloodsucking Bastards
Horror-comedy is not one of my favorite genres but only because they are so rarely funny. When they are funny, I really enjoy them. This one is from a comedy group. It also has some nice horror moments and tons of blood.
Class of 1984
The worst thing about this film is that it seems to think it’s socially relevant. The second worst thing about it is that it takes forever to get to the good stuff. But if you can get through more than an hour of Blackboard Jungle, the last 15 minutes is pretty fun!
More Christopher R Mihm
As of this month, I have only one more Mihm film to add to my article. So it should come out sometime this month. Last month I added, Demon with the Atomic Brain, Guns of the Apocalypse (probably my favorite), It Came From Another World!, and Queen of Snakes.
This widely hated film is actually very good. I take special exception to the way that critics treat Tobe Hooper. Although he stuck with the horror genre (probably his greatest sin for the critics) he was constantly trying new things. This is a straight-up ghost story and it’s quite effective.
Eaten Alive
This is a Tobe Hooper classic. I really don’t have any idea why critics don’t like it. In its way, it’s every bit as good as The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.
The Exotic Ones
This is a wonderful exploitation film in the tradition of Herschell Gordon Lewis. But it’s a lot better made than his films. It’s also known as The Monster and the Stripper, which is more fitting since it’s about a Bigfoot captured to use in a strip club.
Five Guns West
This film is most notable for being Roger Corman’s first as director. And as usual, it works pretty well. I have my problem with valorization of the Confederacy. But Corman can sure tell an interesting story on a budget!
Grosse Pointe Blank
Although I think the sorta-sequel of this, War, Inc, is a masterpiece, Grosse Pointe Blank is more enjoyable for most people. It’s very funny. “You can never go home again, Oatman… But I guess you can shop there.”
Isle of the Snake People
This is a pretty typical jungle voodoo drama but with good acting, dialog, and some very sexy scenes.
Lady Terminator
This is more or less a parody of The Terminator. There are a lot of negative reviews of this film by totally clueless people who just don’t grok it. It’s wonderful with lots of action and sex. I must investigate Indonesian films of this era.
Ms .45
I love this film. The protagonist is amazing: a young mute woman who is raped twice and seeks revenge. It’s also pretty arty.
Night of Bloody Horror
Another arty one, this thriller works pretty well with very cliched effects from the 1960s. A pretty creepy outing from the man who would go on to be Major Dad.
Prom Night
This is one of the better slashers from this period. The opening section with the little kids is particularly good. And the ending is interesting. The best part is the head rolling onto the dance floor.
I just got the Arrow Blu-ray on this and it’s great. Time only makes the accomplishment of this film more impressive. The effects are fantastic but then so is everything else here!
The Taking of Deborah Logan
There are supposedly a bunch of bad found-footage films. I haven’t come across them. I’m generally impressed with the genre. This one is wonderful. And it tells a pretty complicated story. Well worth watching!
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
Tobe Hooper was unhappy that it took people so long to realize how funny the first film was so he made this. This is very dark comedy. But it does have some amazing comedic images like Leatherface fighting with a chainsaw impaling him. This film is a great chaser after watching the original.
John Carpenter does a typically exceptional job on this film. I have my problems with its content. But there’s no doubt that it works really well. Check out my review of the Blu-ray.
That’s all for this month. See you soon!